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Here are your results for “Douglas Fir”

9 Results
Five Reasons We Love Trees
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s extend our love beyond friends and family to reflect on our gratitude for trees too! There are so many reasons to appreciate trees, from the shade they provide on a hot summer day to the...
Travelling across Canada’s forests
International Day of Forests is on March 21, and this year, the theme is ‘Forest Restoration: a path to recovery and well-being” – a theme which especially rings true this year of all years. With an increased attention on how important trees...
The quest for a real Christmas tree
Winter is here again.  Snow fell across parts of the country months ago, and even warmer climates in the south have been touched with the bristles of that white brush.  I hastily strung my Christmas lights with (moderate amounts) of care and...