
Restoring & Growing Our Forests

The National Greening Program targets areas in need of reforestation or afforestation with mass seedling plantings.

Last year we planted over 2 million trees in five regions: British Columbia & Territories/North, the Prairies, Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic.

Our diverse network of partners and donors makes this possible, helping us to plant the right trees in the right places.

Benefits of Reforestation

Growing trees where forests have been degraded – or where there was no previous tree cover – provides multiple benefits to nature, from ecosystem stability to cleaner air, water and soil.

Carbon Sequestration

Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, helping to fight climate change by removing and storing carbon from the air.

Wildlife Habitat

Restoring forest cover protects and enhances habitat for wildlife and increases biodiversity.

Clean Environment

Trees remove pollutants and toxins from the air, soil and groundwater and prevent soil erosion near waterways.

Support the National Greening Program

Help us to reach two million trees planted this year! Donations will be matched through the federal government's 2 Billion Trees Program.

Donate to reforest areas in need for only $5 per seedling!


Grow your impact as a National Greening Program partner.

Become a partner
Tree Canada’s Commitment to Quality

Our planting projects each have a specific silvicultural prescription to maximize the establishment of the trees. Survival assessments are conducted in years 1, 2 and 5 after planting until the projects are “free-to-grow”.

View our series of videos on the National Greening Program to learn more about our work.

Tree Canada works closely with local authorities and private landowners to select planting sites that are in need of reforestation or afforestation:

  • Reforestation is the process of replanting trees in areas where existing forests and woodlands have been degraded due to human activity or natural causes, such as pest infestations or fires.
  • Afforestation is the process of establishing new forests or woodlands in areas where there was no tree cover over a long period of time, such as abandoned agricultural or industrial lands.

How we select planting sites:

  1. Priority is given to planting on municipal or First Nations lands where there is a guarantee that they will remain in forest cover and where the landowner’s primary objective is forest conservation. Private land will be considered when there is a significant environmental benefit.
  2. The land should be a candidate for afforestation or restoration due to natural or human-caused disturbances including wildfires, windstorms, insect outbreaks, abandoned farmland or aggregate extraction.
  3. Another restoration priority is water. That is, improving forest cover in riparian areas including shorelines along water bodies, stream banks and wetlands.

Every National Greening Program planting project follows a specific silvicultural prescription that is approved by a registered forestry professional. This ensures that all projects are prescribing the appropriate species mix, density, and pre- and post-planting treatments to maximize the establishment and survival potential of the trees.

Tree Canada plants seedlings of native tree species suited for each planting site to allow the ecosystem to re-establish itself or remain in its original state. Since native species are currently growing or once grew in a particular area, they are more likely to re-establish themselves and thrive than non-native species.

Tree Canada conducts survival assessments to measure the success of plantings and determine maintenance requirements. Sampling is done in the 1st, 2nd and 5th years after planting. If tree survival falls below an industry standard threshold, Tree Canada will replant the site at its own cost. If a site is deemed unsuitable for replanting, Tree Canada will choose a different site.

Survival assessments are conducted by third party assessors – a registered professional forester or a submitted audit report that has been approved by such a professional – to ensure accuracy and accountability.

View our past planting sites and survival rates:

National Greening Program project proponents and landowners must be committed to each project’s long-term success. Landowners sign an agreement that requires them to steward the planted trees for a minimum of 20 years up to 50 years.

During and after planting, our forest professionals provide landowners with maintenance advice including any actions to be taken (e.g., removing competitive grasses, watering, corrective pruning).

Explore how we ensure long-term growth post-planting by watching our video here.

Landowners and Planting Contractors

Submit a Project Proposal

Tree Canada invites landowners and tree planting contractors to submit project proposals for the National Greening Program.

Landowners benefit from Tree Canada’s extensive experience in project design, our qualified staff and Forestry Specialists, partnerships with conservation organizations, as well as funding and support.

Tree Canada is looking for tree planting contractors to carry out large-scale planting projects, including land securement, site preparation, seedling stock acquisition and tree planting supervision.

Leave a growing legacy—submit your project proposal today to join our National Greening Program.