Planting Trees Across Canada

National Tree Day (NTD) is a day for Canadians to come together in appreciation of trees, their natural beauty, and the many benefits they provide.

This September, Tree Canada will host planting events in celebration of National Tree Day on the Wednesday and the Saturday of National Forest Week!

Join us to connect with nature and take action on climate change!

Presenting Sponsor

BMO logo
Plant Trees With Us!

National Tree Day 2024

This year, Tree Canada will be celebrating its 13th National Tree Day with community planting events in every province across two days! We are thrilled to offer so many opportunities thanks to the support of our presenting sponsor BMO.

Wednesday, September 25th:

Saturday, September 28th:

If there are no tickets available for the event you wish to attend, please join the waitlist and you will be notified when a spot opens up!

Engage Your Community

Host a National Tree Day Event

Help make a difference on National Tree Day and encourage others to participate. Plan an event with your school, community group or family and friends to plant and care for trees, clean up a local greenspace or celebrate trees in your own way! Register your event for a chance to win a free planting event for your community.

Look Back at National Tree Day 2023

Last year, over 1,450 volunteers helped to plant more than 6,300 trees in 19 communities across Canada! Thank you to everyone who came out and got their hands dirty to celebrate trees!

Donate to National Tree Day

Show your gratitude to trees for all that they provide by supporting the greening of our communities in celebration of National Tree Day.
