Join us at CUFC 2024

The Canadian Urban Forest Conference (CUFC) provides a forum for professionals, municipalities, and community groups to share their experiences and unique approaches to the stewardship of Canada’s urban forests.

CUFC 2024 is hosted by the City of Winnipeg with a focus on equity and the urban forest.

Hosted by

Conference Theme

Trees for All: Equity in Canada’s Urban Forests

Heightened recognition of the economic, environmental, social, and health benefits of trees has illuminated the importance of equity within Canada’s urban forests.

The topic of equity in urban forests is multi-faceted, and includes both ecological and social considerations. Long-term strategic urban forest planning and management priorities are increasingly being informed through public engagement and through a diversity, inclusivity and equity lens.

The conference theme of equity will guide discussions to support the planning and management of urban forests to ensure the benefits that trees provide are accessible and sustainable for all.


Aerial View of Winnipeg, Manitoba during Summer

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Keynote Speakers

Group of people networking at conference.


Questions? We are happy to assist!

CUFC 2024 Conference Secretariat

c/o Strauss Event & Association Management
386 Broadway, Suite 503
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3R6, Canada


+1 204-975-8215
Toll-Free: 1-888-899-3976

  • Martha Barwinsky, City Forester, City of Winnipeg – Conference Co-chair
  • Sima Feuer, Planning and Development Manager, Province of Manitoba, Forestry and Peatlands Branch – Conference Co-chair
  • Kyla Maslaniec, Urban Forester, Province of Manitoba – Conference Co-chair
  • Julie Dooley, Communications Coordinator, Director’s Office, Public Works, City of Winnipeg – Communications Committee Co-chair
  • Dr. Richard Westwood, Professor, Dept. of Biology and Dept. of Environmental Studies and Sciences, University of Winnipeg – Program Committee Co-chair
  • Dr. Katherine Dearborn, Research Associate, Dept. of Environmental Studies and Sciences, University of Winnipeg – Program Committee Co-chair
  • Brent Bencharski, Forester, Manitoba Hydro – Trade Show Committee Chair
  • Shawn Dias, Director of Parks & Urban Forestry, City of Morden – Field Tours Committee Chair
  • Matt Vinet, Regional Manager, Green Drop Trees – Sponsorship Committee Chair
  • Dr. Adrina Bardekjian, Director of Research and Engagement, Tree Canada – Executive / Program Committee