
Battling buckthorn to bring back biodiversity
From the Mississippi River Valley up through Ontario and Quebec, and from Atlantic Canada west to the border of Saskatchewan, municipalities, private landowners, farmers and even hospital groundskeeping staff are fighting a powerful plant invader: buckthorn. Buckthorn came to North America innocently…

Canadian Urban Forest Network: Prairies Region Update 2019
Happy midsummer solstice, to everyone on the Druid calendar! As I am writing this, I am looking out the windows of my office at my tree nursery near Didsbury, Alberta at trees still being buffeted by gale force winds after a 24-hour…

Tree Canada takes proactive fight to counter Emerald Ash Borer: Granting program teams up with BioForest
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 26, 2019 (Ottawa, ON) – Tree Canada, Canada’s leading national tree charity, in partnership with BioForest, are taking on the oncoming path of the emerald ash borer to protect ash trees in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario…