CUFN Articles

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Ontario Update March 2020
Some of the past events and future programs are: The province is still continuing its efforts to reduce costs across a number of sectors, including many “green” projects that were cancelled or funding reduced. It is hoped that in the near future,…

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Ontario Update
By Peter Wynnyczuk – Ontario Representative Some of the past events and future programs are: Being in a province highlighting the extent of the government deficit, there have been impacts in several provincial ministries going through both organizational and financial adjustments. As…

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Quebec Update
By Christian Messier – Quebec Representative Major tree planting projects in Quebec cities In the current context of our changing climate, there is a growing recognition that trees, and more generally urban forests, play a great role in our well-being and health….
Atlantic Regional Urban Forest Update for June 2019
The Atlantic Region has seen a long winter lasting from early November through to the end of April. The wet spring is extending well into June with cooler temperatures. As a result, the planting season has been delayed by most Municipalities and…

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Pacific Region Update
By Lanny Englund – Pacific Region Representative, CUFN Steering Committee It has been an exciting six months in the world of Urban Forestry here in British Columbia. The first ever International Urban Forest Congress (IUFC) took place in Vancouver from September 30…
CUFN Updates Ontario Region 2019
Peter Wynnyczuk – Ontario Representative, CUFN Steering Committee, and Executive Director, Ontario Urban Forest Council My how things have changed in the past couple of years within Ontario’s urban forest realm. The previous provincial government had embraced the carbon pricing programs of…
Atlantic Urban Forestry Collective: EAB detected in Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Urban Forestry Collective: EAB detected in Atlantic Canada Heather Fraser – Canadian Urban Forest Network, Atlantic region representative June 7, 2018 The year started out with a three-day Atlantic Canada Forest Health Workshop held in Amherst, Nova Scotia from January 16-18th….

Ontario’s Urban Forestry Update: A Year in Review
Peter Wynnyczuk – Ontario Representative, CUFN Steering Committee, and Executive Director, Ontario Urban Forest Council May 17, 2018 In October, the Ontario Urban Forest Council (OUFC) held its conference in Ajax with a diverse group of participants to discuss varied topics related…

Moving Forward with the CUFN in Quebec
Meagan Hanna, MA. ISA Board Certified Master Arborist – Quebec Representative, CUFN Steering Committee Within my first year as Quebec Representative of the CUFN Steering Committee, I have been thrilled to see more urban forestry professionals in Quebec speak out and engage…
Over the Years We Grow: National Scale Progress in Engagement and Research at Tree Canada
Adrina C. Bardekjian, MFC, PhD Originally posted on The Nature of Cities: Over the past four years in leading the Engagement and Research portfolio at Tree Canada, I have had the opportunity to watch the organization grow, contribute to designing programs…