Your Ultimate Guide to National Tree Day 2024

Kristin Mullin

Events Planning & Coordination Manager

National Tree Day is a highlight of my work every year. After months of planning, coordinating, and working closely with our amazing partners, it all comes together in communities across Canada. This year, we’re gearing up for our largest celebration yet, and I couldn’t be more excited to see it all unfold!

Tree Canada’s National Tree Day events give volunteers the opportunity to plant trees and make a tangible environmental impact with their own hands!

Planting trees is more than just a fun activity—each tree contributes to a healthier environment. Trees clean the air, absorb carbon dioxide, and provide cooling shade in areas where we live and work. They also help reduce stormwater runoff, improve water quality, and provide wildlife habitat.

As someone who’s been on the ground organizing these events, I want to ensure every participant leaves feeling inspired and satisfied.

What To Expect

  • Hands-on Experience and Support: Whether you’re new to tree planting or an experienced green thumb, we’ve got you covered! Our expert team will show you the ropes, helping you learn how to plant and care for urban trees so they can thrive for many years. We’ll have gloves, shovels, and, of course, trees ready for you.
  • Capturing the Memories: I’ve come to realize how much these events mean to participants, and we want you to remember the day. We’ll have photographers at the sites to capture those special moments—smiles, shovels in hand, and that first tree planted. These memories will be shared on Tree Canada’s website and social channels so you can share them with your loved ones.
  • Food and Refreshments: Thanks to our sponsors, Starbucks and Harvey’s, many of our planting sites will offer snacks and refreshments. We want to keep everyone energized! Seeing participants take a well-deserved break after a job well done is always a highlight.
  • A Strong Sense of Community: One of the most rewarding parts of my job is witnessing the sense of camaraderie that grows (no pun intended!) during these planting events. You’ll be working alongside fellow community members, Tree Canada staff, tree enthusiasts, and dedicated employees from BMO and our other amazing sponsors. There’s something powerful about coming together for a common cause.

What to Wear and Bring

To ensure you’re comfortable while planting, we recommend coming prepared: 

  • Sturdy, closed-toe shoes or boots 
  • Long pants 
  • Weather-appropriate clothing  
  • Sunscreen & hat  
  • Bug spray 
  • Hand sanitizer 

And don’t forget your water bottle! We’ll be planting rain or shine, because one thing I’ve learned is that wet soil makes planting so much easier! 

Tips for First-Time Planters

If this is your first time planting a tree, don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you feel prepared and confident: 

  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions—our volunteers and experts are here to guide you. 
  • Take your time and enjoy the experience. It’s about quality, not speed! 
  • Be sure to take a break when needed. We want you to have fun while contributing to something meaningful. 

Planting your first tree can be a deeply rewarding experience, and we’re here to make sure it’s a great one for you! If you’d like more information, we have some resources on our website and a video that you can watch. 

Share your planting photos on social media with the hashtags #NationalTreeDay and #NTD2024. It’s always inspiring to see the flood of posts from across the country as people celebrate their local events. 

Let’s Celebrate Together!

If you haven’t registered yet, we still have spots available at several of our community planting events. You can find the full list of locations and register for free on our website. 

If you can’t make it to one of our events, I encourage you to still celebrate in your own way. Check out our National Tree Day events page for other celebrations near you, or even consider organizing your own! We’ve put together some detailed Event Organizer Toolkits to help guide you through the process. 

You can also make a donation to Tree Canada. Planning these events takes months of work, and every donation helps us continue planting trees and growing our impact. 


Don’t forget to share your planting photos on social media with the hashtags #NationalTreeDay and #NTD2024. It’s always inspiring to see the flood of posts from across the country as people celebrate their local events. 

Thank you for being part of this special day. Each year, I’m reminded of the incredible impact we can make when we come together to celebrate and care for trees. I’m so excited to see you on National Tree Day—let’s plant, learn, and grow together! 

Happy Planting! 


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