Within Six Feet of Trees This Summer

Tree Canada


As we roll into the second half of summer and continue experiencing lifted COVID-19 restrictions, there is a lot to be excited about. Whether you’re using these freedoms to reconnect with family and friends, dine out at a local restaurant, or explore our beautiful country, once again we are experiencing an abundance of change.

As we know, change, even good change, can introduce a sense of discomfort. With that in mind, I want to remind our community to continue enjoying time outdoors this summer, as we have done throughout the pandemic.

As many of us experienced with each lockdown, any time spent outdoors, especially in proximity to trees, is a wonderful way to reduce stress, anxiety and enjoy a breath of fresh air. Let’s not forget that feeling.

Whether it’s walking through a park as you run errands, planning a forest hike with friends, or exploring provincial parks – make it a priority to stay close to trees and enjoy the benefits they offer as we establish our new normal.

What’s more? We don’t need to maintain two meters of distance from trees.


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