Disaster Relief

Tree Canada’s Operation ReLeaf program helps recover areas with substantial tree loss due to a natural disaster and the effects of the climate crisis.

The escalating impacts of climate change pose an increasing threat to communities across Canada. To support the recovery of our urban forests, Operation ReLeaf provides funding to municipalities, Indigenous communities, and environmental organizations to support tree planting projects.

How It Works

Apply For Funding

We are now accepting request for proposals for 2025 Operation ReLeaf projects!

Tree Canada welcomes proposals for recovery projects from municipalities, Indigenous communities, and environmental organizations interested in funding.

Once an online form has been submitted, our team will carefully assess each project proposal and contact eligible projects for further information and project development.

Operation ReLeaf projects are planted during each location’s suitable planting seasons. The quantity of trees to be planted will be determined by the size of the trees and the proposed budget.

Benefits of Restoring Landscapes After Natural Disasters

A Sense of Normalcy

Rebuilding natural landscapes after disasters helps communities regain a sense of normalcy by offering familiar sights and routines, aiding in the healing process.

Urban Benefits

Urban areas benefit immensely from the presence of trees, which offer numerous environmental, social, and economic advantages. Restoring tree cover in cities post-disaster ensures that these benefits persist.


By replenishing green spaces, we facilitate the return of biodiversity, enabling ecosystems to recover and thrive.


The History of Operation ReLeaf

Since 1996, Tree Canada has been dedicated to restoring landscapes and urban areas impacted by natural disasters.

Operation ReLeaf has supported replanting efforts following various natural events, including wildfires, floods, ice storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and infestations by pests like emerald ash borer and mountain pine beetle.