
Expression of Interest for Tree Canada Planting Projects

Tree Canada is looking for tree planting contractors to carry out large-scale planting projects, including land securement, site preparation, seedling stock acquisition and tree planting supervision, for our National Greening Program.


Project timeline

This opportunity is open for new projects to be completed during one of two planting seasons: spring or fall. The size of a project can vary, and we ask for a minimum project size of 8,000 trees. It is possible to combine multiple properties into one project to meet this minimum size.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. When new funding opportunities become available, all submitted projects will be considered during our two annual evaluation periods (Aug. 1 – Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 – Jul. 31). Successful projects will be awarded based on the following proposal criteria.

Who we are looking for

Contractors interested in carrying out tree planting projects as part of Tree Canada’s National Greening Program. It is preferred that a single organization take on an entire project.


  • The Contractor must provide the price per tree planted as set out on the online form.
  • A site must be identified and submitted with this proposal. The site must not be part of a timber license, but can be on municipal, Indigenous, or private land. Other provincial crown land will receive lowest priority.
  • Tree Canada and its partners are proud to support regreening projects across the country. Contributions to Tree Canada are made with the expectation of creating a lasting impact and therefore we require those who own the proposed lands (“the landowners”) to sign an agreement that guarantees they will keep the lands forested for a minimum number of years (length of contract negotiable).
  • Areas of high environmental value and/or subjected to naturally caused disturbances will receive the highest priority.
  • Spring plantings must be completed by June 15. Fall plantings must be completed by September 30.
  • The Contractor will be required to sign a final agreement with Tree Canada by February 28 of the planting year.
  • Information on the quality, seed zone and origin of seedling stock must be provided.
  • Site preparation should be included in the price quote, however if site preparation is not required, please provide a detailed explanation.
  • The Contractor is required to look after all shipments of the planting stock to the planting site(s), provide proper handling and storage, and return empty containers.
  • The Contractor will provide proof of complete insurance coverage from their provider in the amount of minimum $1 million dollars prior to contract signing.
  • The Contractor will need to submit a planting plan signed by a Registered Professional Forester, a Registered Professional Technician or Forest Ecologist in their region before planting can take place.
  • The Contractor will be expected to provide a detailed tree planting summary, in the form of a final report supplied by Tree Canada, following the planting operations including number of trees planted, breakdown of species planted, and dates trees were planted.
  • Project payment will be initiated following the report of a third party auditor (Registered Professional Forester or otherwise qualified professional) at the time of planting for planting numbers and quality. The projects will be revisited by a Tree Canada hired professional to conduct survival assessments 1, 2 and 5 years after planting.
  • The contractor is required to provide a digital map/shapefile/GPS points of the proposed expected project boundary upon submission of the proposal as well as a final version after planting.

Projects will be evaluated based on funding availability by province and may be waitlisted for future seasons.

Please note that the price per tree is only one of several factors to be considered. We will review the proposals and advise you accordingly. The lowest bid may not necessarily be accepted.

Please direct all questions to the attention of:

Colin Little, National Greening Program Manager, Tree Canada
613-567-5545 ext. 224


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Application Information

If you are interested in carrying out tree planting projects as part of our National Greening Program, please submit an online proposal.

Apply Now