Offset your emissions to help sequester carbon pollution

Carbon pollution is a serious threat to the Earth’s climate. Trees are one major natural way of absorbing carbon pollution from the air and sequestering it to help fight climate change.

Tree Canada’s Grow Clean Air program supports improved forest management practices led by coastal First Nations communities living in the Great Bear Rainforest.

Bella Coola, BC, boat trip to South Benink Fjord, Nuxalk totem pole, giant cedar tree, chief Qwatsinas

How It Works

  • Individuals and businesses can offset their carbon emissions by helping to protect old-growth trees in British Columbia.
  • Ecosystem-based land management practices being implemented by coastal First Nations communities increase the amount of carbon stored in the Great Bear Rainforest.
  • Carbon credits are generated through annual audit measurements of the carbon sequestered as a result of these efforts.

Benefits of Grow Clean Air

Protecting Old-Growth Forests

Preventing deforestation and land clearing helps prevent the release of carbon, which old-growth forests have sequestered and continue to store.

Preserving Biodiversity

The Great Bear Rainforest is home to a highly diverse mix of plant, animal, and marine species that make this area a unique ecological treasure worth preserving.

Providing Economic Opportunities

Carbon credit sales help coastal First Nations to generate revenue and create jobs while protecting their traditional territories.

Donate to Offset Your Emissions

Use our carbon calculator to find out how many tonnes of greenhouse gases (tC02e) are emitted by your activities, then contribute towards the purchase of carbon credits by donating to Grow Clean Air. Each credit represents one tonne of tC02e to be retired in the B.C. Carbon Registry.

Calculate your emissions Donate to Grow Clean Air

Corporations and Organizations:

Contact us for more information about our offsets program and to purchase carbon credits.

Carbon offsetting provides solutions to offset carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions produced by an individual, project, or corporation. Although reducing emissions should be the priority, carbon credits purchased through the Grow Clean Air program provide the possibility of offsetting carbon emissions that cannot be avoided.


A carbon credit is a government-sanctioned certification that one tonne of greenhouse gases (tCO2e) has been sequestered from the atmosphere. Each credit purchased through Grow Clean Air is retired in the British Columbia Carbon Registry.

Since 1992, we’ve planted over 84 million trees and sequestered millions of tons of carbon pollution in the process. Our Grow Clean Air program further provides the opportunity to purchase carbon credits that support coastal First Nations’ efforts to protect the Great Bear Rainforest.

Supporting Coastal First Nations Communities

Carbon offsets purchased through Tree Canada’s Grow Clean Air program directly support the Coastal First Nations living on British Columbia’s North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii. These offsets are generated through the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project, a globally recognized initiative that aligns with Indigenous stewardship values and promotes sustainable development.

By preventing deforestation and improving forest management, these projects empower communities to protect their traditional territories while generating revenue through carbon offset sales. The funds support local economies by creating jobs in conservation and stewardship, investing in sustainable industries, and funding initiatives like marine use planning and biodiversity protection.


About the Great Bear Rainforest

Spanning 6.4 million hectares along B.C.’s coast, the Great Bear Rainforest is one of the world’s last intact coastal temperate rainforests. It is home to ancient forests, rich biodiversity, and culturally significant wildlife like grizzlies, wolves, salmon, and the rare Spirit Bear. This remarkable landscape is the traditional territory of Coastal First Nations, who have stewarded the land for over 14,000 years.

By purchasing offsets through Tree Canada, you contribute to protecting this invaluable ecosystem and support the Coastal First Nations’ ongoing leadership in conservation and environmental resilience.

All photos are courtesy of Coastal First Nations.