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Here are your results for “CUFC”

21 Results
2018, a year in review at Tree Canada
2018 was an impressive year of planting and learning for us!  As we head into 2019, we’re taking this moment to pause and reflect on 2018 and some of the accomplishments and positive impact we collectively achieved together thanks to your support....
Canadian Urban Forest Network – Pacific Region Update
The big news in the Pacific Region is the International Urban Forest Congress. If you haven’t heard about the Congress happening in Vancouver from September 30 – October 3 you should check it out. This is an opportunity not to be missed! The Congress...
Over the Years We Grow: National Scale Progress in Engagement and Research at Tree Canada
Adrina C. Bardekjian, MFC, PhD Originally posted on The Nature of Cities: Over the past four years in leading the Engagement and Research portfolio at Tree Canada, I have had the opportunity to watch the organization grow, contribute to designing programs...
Research in urban forestry: Identified needs in Canada
As part of my work with Tree Canada in directing the Canadian Urban Forest Strategy (CUFS), our current efforts under the Research Working Group (WG3) include developing partnerships with national organizations on a variety of projects to tackle urban forestry questions. Tree...