Tree Canada

17 June, 2020

Why our communities need trees?

The past month has seen our communities burst into a state of green. Buds have turned to leaves and the canopy overhead has filled with foliage. Here in Ottawa, we’re fortunate to have many neighbourhood streets lined with majestic trees, and I’m…

12 June, 2020

Celebrating our fathers

Not surprisingly, I always think of my dad on Father’s Day. He was born during the Great Depression, the third of six children. During that time, my grandfather bravely took the family to a remote town in Northern Ontario in the hope…

20 May, 2020

Atlantic Regional Urban Forest Update May 2020

In writing and preparing for this update for May, I realize how much life in the forestry sector has changed over the last two months, and how essential forestry is to Atlantic Canada – with ROYALE® toilet paper made right here in…

12 May, 2020

Let the Trees Be Your Teachers: Family-friendly tree activities – Part Two

Hooray, spring is finally here! The days are getting longer, the sun feels brighter and as budding begins, our trees become the stars of the show. As restrictions ease across the country around the use and access to our green spaces and…

The Tenacity of Trees

A friend of mine forwarded a blog post to me a few weeks ago – it was called “The Tenacity of Trees”. It consisted of a series of photos of trees growing in unusual places or under difficult circumstances. Some were growing…

20 April, 2020

The respite of trees

There were plenty of trees in and around the small community where I grew up. Many parks could be found within city limits along with small woodlands. I spent hours simply walking through and taking in those “inner city forests” and letting…

Let the trees be your teachers: Family-friendly tree activities

While we may not be able to linger in, gather or play in our much-loved parks or green spaces right now, trees in our backyards, along our streets, in the parks we walk through, or even those seen from our windows or…

Downtown Toronto Urban Forestry
30 March, 2020

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Ontario Update March 2020

Some of the past events and future programs are: The province is still continuing its efforts to reduce costs across a number of sectors, including many “green” projects that were cancelled or funding reduced. It is hoped that in the near future,…

26 March, 2020

Keeping the trees close in a time of distancing

As we all come to adjust our personal and professional lives to our new realities, one thing is certain – how much we need trees, nature and being outside and how it can lift our moods and improve our spirits. While we…

Blossoming tree in front of building.

Take in a breath of fresh air

As nature transitions into spring, we, too, have had to unexpectedly and swiftly transition in response to COVID-19. These transitions have a way of hitting the re-set button, causing moments of pause and reflection, where we note just how deeply and intricately…