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Atlantic Regional Urban Forest Update February 2020

In early January, the Atlantic Forest Health Workshop was held in Truro, Nova Scotia. Some of Atlantic Canada’s top researchers discussed the...

Canada’s Urban Forests are Getting More Respect: Tree Canada President Reflects on His Retirement...

Ottawa, ON (February 26, 2020) — After 18 years of service with the national tree charity Tree Canada, Michael Rosen, the organization’s...

Winter: an unique opportunity to see trees

I love trees in the winter. There is a certain quality, a certain beauty to them at this time of year. And...

Keep the love of trees growing: some final words from Mike Rosen, Tree Canada...

Trees – they have grown to be a significant part of my life, both personally and professionally. As my last day at...

Tree TLC: five winter tree care tips

While we may not be thinking of them as they slumber through winter, there are still ways to help our trees get...

Cities in Canada are Recognized through Tree Cites of the World Programme

Ottawa, Canada (February 5, 2020) — Nine cities in Canada have been honored with Tree Cities of the World recognition by the...

2019: a year in review at Tree Canada

2019 was quite the year here at Tree Canada! As we head into 2020, a new year and a new decade, we...

Do trees still sequester carbon in winter?

The mysterious inner workings of our trees and forests are a subject of fascination for nature enthusiasts and researchers alike. Perhaps now...

Standing Tall on the Need for Red Seal

For me, one of the most chilling memories of the 1998 Eastern Canada Ice Storm was watching a truck pull up to...

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Pacific Region Update 2020

Climate Adaptation Urgency around climate action is building rapidly around the world and professionals in the field of urban forestry are beginning...

Telpay gives City of Winnipeg’s Million Tree Challenge the gift of more trees with...

December 11, 2019 (Winnipeg, MB) – Today, Telpay, Canada’s trusted leader in innovative payment solutions, announced its commitment to support the city’s Million...

The quest for a real Christmas tree

Winter is here again.  Snow fell across parts of the country months ago, and even warmer climates in the south have been...

TELUS Trees for paper – A program acting now to grow a legacy

Since 1998, TELUS and Tree Canada have partnered together to plant over 600,000 trees greening communities and schoolyards, restoring urban and rural...