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Walking in the Woods Together: How trees create healthier communities

In mid-February 2016, I started taking women on walks in the woods, singly and in groups. I started because the Jian Ghomeshi...

Trees: strong allies in fighting climate change

Most of us pass by them every day, not really taking much notice of them. Trees are all around us, steadfast and...

Canadian Urban Forest Network – Quebec Update

By Christian Messier – Quebec Representative Major tree planting projects in Quebec cities In the current context of our changing climate, there...

Canadian Urban Forest Network: Prairies Region Update 2019

Happy midsummer solstice, to everyone on the Druid calendar! As I am writing this, I am looking out the windows of my...

Stop to smell the trees

Living in Ottawa for the past 10 years, I’ve come to cherish the fleeting moments of warmth and sunlight this city has...

Tree Canada’s Growing Support of Urban Forestry in Indigenous Communities across Canada

As of 2016, Indigenous peoples represented 4.9% (1.6 million) of the Canadian population (Statistics Canada, 2017). There are over 120 Indigenous urban...

Beyond Trees: Engagement and Research at Tree Canada

To commemorate my last day before starting my maternity leave, I wanted to follow up on my article from May 2018, Over the...

Atlantic Regional Urban Forest Update for June 2019

The Atlantic Region has seen a long winter lasting from early November through to the end of April. The wet spring is...

From Malley’s to Maples: Collingwood’s Urban Forest Management Plan

One of my first experiences “away from home without parents” was a ski trip to Collingwood. On the advice of one of...

IKEA Canada adds to Canada’s urban forests: Tree Canada recognizes leadership with Ultimate Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 28, 2019 (Burlington, ON) – Today, IKEA Canada is recognized for its environmental leadership by Tree Canada, the non-profit...

How flooding affects trees: Water in moderation

Pre-amble: Tornadoes, wildfires and flooding – extreme weather events exaggerated by climate change – have recently touched and continue to touch countless...

Trees are good for business

Our societies and economies are intricately linked to our forests. They stabilize our climate, provide food, water and medicine, as well as...

Appointment of Danielle St-Aubin as CEO of Tree Canada

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2019 (Ottawa, ON) – The Board of Tree Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Danielle...