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National Tree Day 2023: Communities Took Action Across Canada
On Wednesday, September 20th, Tree Canada celebrated its 12th edition of National Tree Day! Thanks to the support of BMO, we were...
BMO and Tree Canada give urban tree cover a boost in cities across Canada...
Volunteers sign up in record numbers to plant trees where they live and work. September 19, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – On...
Tree Canada and BMO to plant trees with community volunteers across Canada on National...
September 18, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – On September 20th, Tree Canada will host tree planting events in communities across Canada on National...
What to Expect at National Tree Day Planting Events
Tree Canada is gearing up for our largest National Tree Day ever on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023. We know that individuals, communities...
Get Inspired for National Tree Day 2023 – Event Spotlight
This month we’re celebrating National Tree Day (NTD) on September 20th. NTD is a day to show our appreciation for trees and...
Connecting with Nature: 5 Reasons to Cherish Urban Trees this Summer
Many of us have been eagerly counting down the days to summer. We tolerate the cold nights, shovelling snow and wearing lots...
Restoring New Brunswick’s Belleisle Watershed with Community Volunteers
Near the shorelines of Hatfield Point, New Brunswick, a remarkable project took place on June 17 to restore and rejuvenate the delicate...
Volunteers Plant 250 Berry Shrubs on Siksika Nation Saskatoon Farm
Every day, Tree Canada is inspired by the passion and commitment of individuals that volunteer their time to grow healthier and greener...
Patients from CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre Plant Trees for Mental Wellness
In an inspiring collaboration aimed at cultivating mental wellness and creating lasting environmental change, patients and staff from the Centre intégré de...
Mississauga Elementary School Plants Trees to Celebrate National Tree Day Contest Win
On a sunny day in May, students and teachers gathered at Cooksville Creek Public School in Mississauga, Ontario, for a memorable tree...
Raising environmentally aware children: perspectives of a mom working in urban forestry
I am a convener. I am interested in the bridging of things, the connections between people, their stories, ideas, and lived experiences....
A Welcome to Warmer Weather: Sap flows in trees as they awaken from their...
Trees work hard in the growing season: they pull the sun’s energy and make sugar to use and store throughout the tree....
Celebrate International Day of Forests
Today we celebrate International Day of Forests, a day where people across the globe commemorate and raise awareness of the importance of...