Tree Canada

4 February, 2022

Prairies Region Urban Forestry Update – February 2022

I was very excited when the recent opportunity arose to represent the Prairie Region of Tree Canada’s Canadian Urban Forest Network (CUFN), an organization whose vision, mission, and core values align closely with my own.  My educational background is in Environmental Studies,…

Lived Experience, Essential Narratives, Part 2: A Tree Model for Integrating Social Dimensions into Urban Forestry

As published in City Trees magazine, November/December issue. Modified excerpt from the author’s PhD dissertation, Learning from Limbwalkers: Arborists’ Stories in Southern Ontario’s Urban Forests (Bardekjian, 2015). Human connections and experiences with trees have inspired creative interpretations and visual representations of our…

A Farewell Message

To the lovely Tree Canada community, It is with mixed feelings that I announce my departure from Tree Canada. While I have truly enjoyed my time here and have great respect for the Board, the staff, and you – our lovely Tree…

6 December, 2021

Gratitude for a Greener Canada

As the holiday season approaches, we’d like to take a moment to thank each and every donor and sponsor for supporting our organization and our efforts to plant trees across the country. While we are proud to say we helped increase the…

Present wrapped in twine

Five Ways to Gift Green This Year

As the holidays approach and another year comes to a close, many of us will be celebrating with family and friends. If you are participating in the exchange of gifts, we encourage you to consider gifting with a green perspective this holiday…

Planting Story: Reforestation Project in Preeceville, Saskatchewan

In June 2021, the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation planted 39,915 White Spruce seedlings near Preeceville, Saskatchewan, through Tree Canada’s National Greening Program. We are excited to showcase this reforestation project through photos, to show you, our readers, what a planting project looks like…

Quebec Region Urban Forestry Update – December 2021

Tree-related news in Quebec Here’s a quick and non-exhaustive overview of the highlights of tree-related news in Quebec during the past few months.   Urban forests 1. City of Québec’s Tree Vision: mid-term review After five years of implementation, the City publishes…

Lived Experience, Essential Narratives, Part 1: How Stories from Urban Foresters and Arborists Can Inform Our Field at Large

As published in City Trees magazine, September/October issue. Modified excerpt from the author’s PhD dissertation, Learning from Limbwalkers: Arborists’ Stories in Southern Ontario’s Urban Forests (Bardekjian, 2015). My background is rooted in English literature, creative writing, anthropology, and forest conservation. Throughout my…

Sunshine through trees
3 December, 2021

A Tribute to Brian Fisher, Former Member of the Tree Canada Board of Directors

Brian Fisher’s determination to create, maintain and protect green spaces across British Columbia was legendary, and witnessed through both his professional and his personal commitments. His relationship with Tree Canada began in 1993 when our organization forged a partnership with BC Hydro….

29 November, 2021

A letter from a loving grandmother and supporter of Tree Canada

Through our amazing Tree Canada community we’ve been fortunate to make friends with, Charlie, an inspiring young boy in Vankleek Hill, ON, who is determined to plant ten trees in his community, every year. As an organization, we’re impressed with his ambition…