Tree Canada

What to Expect at National Tree Day Planting Events

Restoring New Brunswick’s Belleisle Watershed with Community Volunteers
Near the shorelines of Hatfield Point, New Brunswick, a remarkable project took place on June 17 to restore and rejuvenate the delicate ecosystem of Belleisle Bay, a fjord-like branch of the Saint John River. Thanks to a Tree Canada Treemendous Communities grant and project sponsor, Meighen Family Foundation, the event engaged local landowners, community members, and partners to help mitigate erosion and enhance the watershed’s riparian and aquatic habitats….

Volunteers Plant 250 Berry Shrubs on Siksika Nation Saskatoon Farm
Every day, Tree Canada is inspired by the passion and commitment of individuals that volunteer their time to grow healthier and greener communities across the country. From planting large urban trees to small edible shrubs, communities are taking meaningful action to help…

Raising environmentally aware children: perspectives of a mom working in urban forestry
I am a convener. I am interested in the bridging of things, the connections between people, their stories, ideas, and lived experiences. Over the course of my career, I have been privileged to work with non-traditional allies in the pursuit of better…